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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  December 7, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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the threat of an ice storm tomorrow across much of the east coast. watch for my updates throughout primetime. right knew, huckabee. >> tonight, the president urging young people to help plug obamacare. >> i need you all to spread the word how the affordable care act really works. >> a new poll shows most millenials don't plan on signing up. tonight, why america's youth is tuning the president out. the obamacare web site, bull's eye for hackers. >> doesn't appear that any security was built into the site itself at all. >> the serious privacy risks that come with signing up for health care. plus, students who used to get straight a's now struggling in class. why common core is not making the grade.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. thank you very much. we have a great christmastime audience here. welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. i'm going to give you a sampling of things people have posted on my facebook page. i hear you support common core education standards. i'll never watch your show again. another said, if you support common core, you have hoes -- you've lost my trust. another one, you need to learn the truth about common core. the person who said he never would watch my show again won't hear this and that's too bad. i want to cut to the chase itch don't support what common core has become in many states or school districts. i'm dead set against the federal government creating a uniform curriculum for any subject. i oppose the collection of
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personal data on students that would identify them and then track them, and certainly any effort to give that personal information to the federal government. i am steadfast in my belief that parents, parents, should ultimately decide. the best for their children's education, whether it's public schools, private schools, religious schools, or home schools. i believe education is a local or state function, not a federal one. sadly, the very label, common core, has come to be associated with things i detest, like agenda-driven curriculum that indoctrine yates instead of educates. i'm convinced the term common core needs to disappear from the lexicon of education policy. it's a toxic term because it's come to mean things that most of us can't stomach. like top-down federal intrusion into the local schools where you live. but common core, as it was designed, had nothing to do with the federal government. it was conceived and controlled
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by elected governors and state school chiefs to keep federal hands from interfering and its only dealt with two subjects, math and he english, and in thoe two subjects established only state-initiated standards in the stucks and intentionally didn't write or suggest curriculum. it set voluntary goals. voluntary goals. they were controlled by the local school boards. unfortunately the locally controlled and very simple creation of standards in math and english, created so that students would be measured by comparable standards regardless of geography, that's been hijacked by those who took the label "common core" and applied it to curriculum, subject others than math and english, and unrelated things such as personal data collection. as a result, "common core" is dead and the hopefully the perversions will die as we. what i hope doesn't die is shedding higher standards for
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students. keeping score to see just how well they're doing. and then having accountability for the results. education bureaucrats have long fought against honest assessments and sometimes fought against accountability, often being satisfied with underperforming students who are far behind their peers in other states or countries. "the wall street journal" reported just this week that schools in the u.s. were performing below those in vietnam, lithuania, russia, and hungary. our 15 years have not seen improvement in a decade over other nations. for those who think i embrace common core, don't embrace oar even want to tolerate what it's come to mean in two many locations. it's been hijacked and i don't support the hijackers or the destination, but i don't blame the airplane for a getting hijacked. i just hope we aren't willing to accept immediate october credit as a standard. late kill the name, common core,
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and all the nonsense. let's insist if we continue to spend the most money in education, that we demand that the end result is achievement. every governor should take the wheel and then steer his or her state to adopt strict and rigorous standards. i suggest what governor terry brand steddied in iowa, recraft it into a state specific initiative. keep it simple. name it whatever you want to don't let anyone corrupt the goals by adding things that aren't part of the goals. common core is dead. but common sense should not be. that's my view. [applause] >> i want to introduce you to three people from different parts of the done there who are dealing with education issues where they live. julie craig's daughter, amie, is in the seventh grade in oregon, amy always enjoyed math and
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excelled. but this year she went from an a to a d. julia with one of nine parents to pull their kid out of math class so she can teach them at hole. carol bros is a plan and was a big proponent and has changed her union, and ethan young is a student at n tennessee. he made his case against common core at a local schoolboard meeting. >> the task of teaching is never quantities identifiable. it's everything i learned in high school is a measurable objective, i have not learned anything, creativity. inquisitiveness, impossible to scale but the purpose of education. why our teachers teach. why i choose to learn. today we founds ourselves in a nation that produces workers. everything is career and college preparation. somewhere our founding fathers are turning in their graves, trying to say we teach to free minds, we teach to inspire, we teach to equip. the careers will come naturally.
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>> that was ethan. ethan, julie, carol, welcome to all of you. great have you here. >> an honor to be here. >> ethan, that was a powerful speech, and i appreciate the i thought incredible articulate of what ought to be the passion of every person to learn. but should there be standards, some goal so that we know how well students are doing? >> absolutely. you have to have standards. you can't just throw kids into school and hope they figure out whatever. you have to have a guideline. the problem is when we try to make standards 100% of what happens in the classroom because that turns into test prep. and so oeducation is reduced to something that is not engaging students and while test scores may go up. it's not a indicative of what we need to have happen in education, which is to free people's mines. >> everybody would agree that the bestic purpose of school is to learn how to learn, not just to learn certain things but to learn how to learn so that could
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be applied to anything. obviously the big challenge is, how do you measure whether or not the students are learning? if i were teaching you one-on-one, that's easy. if you're in a class of 25 kids, how do we do senate what i'm looking for is, what are some suggestions from a student's point of view that would help you to say, i know i hit the mark, but i still have been able to maintain some freedom in learning? >> right. well, i think, specific live with common core, the rent it doesn't help students is that it doesn't leave a lot of room for teachers to individualize a classroom setting to a student. it would be helpful to have a teacher who can say we have to hit this objective but i'm going to have class time allotted for me to do what i think my students need. maybe we took a huge exam yesterday and my students are overloaded and we need to have that time. so there's flexibility that needs to be added and that helps
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students because you're equipping teachers. >> carol, as an educator, there's a frustration. my sister is a teacher for 37 years. she hate when she feels she is being made to teach too a test. so i want to talk about, how does common core inhibit that, or do you think it is, as i think, sort of a perversion of the original goal of common core, which didn't tell schools or teachers how to get there, just said, hearing the goal. how you get there is up to you. >> right. i think what happen was the idea of having standards is important. but the common core standards were written in a very different way. they were not written by educators. and they were very, very quickly put in place. they were done with a backward design. so that they took a look at what would you like kids to be able to do in the senior year of high school, and then walk backwards. the problem is kids don't grow backwards. they grow forward. so you have unusual standards, like, for example in kindergarten, kids have to be able to count from 1en toe 100 by ones and tens.
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some kids can do it in kindergarten, but a lot of four and five years can't do that yet. so that's put a tremendous amount of pressure on teachers to teach the test. and then when you start to evaluate teachers by the test, and they're in fear of losing their jobs if their kids don't perform, it becomes a real lethal mix. and it's not helping. >> let me ask you to stay put and our audience to stay put. we're going to talk more with these folks about common core when we return. [applause] before copd...
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the very controversial education initiative that i think has been cocoa cooperated by 'bureaucrats, some at the federal level and some at state and local. we talk about where the standards come from. the governors in and the chief state school officers collaborated to bring them so there would be consistency. the kid lived in oregon and went to school there in the fifth grade, then moved to georgia there would be a comparable standard by which he would be judged. so, how do we develop? what is the best way develop? i don't hear you've saying we shouldn't have them. >> no. i believe very much so in high standards. i always have. our school is known for its high standards. the problem with these particular standards, they were not developed by k to 1 -- 12 educatorr. >> who came up -- >> david coleman is most associated with the creation of the standards, another small group of university professors, and then they were very, very
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quickly rolled out. near new state, what happens is because they were implemented so quickly, they then farmed out curriculum development to different companies, one called common core incorporated, and spent millions of dollars to create what are called modules that most of our teachers find to be unusable. so a lot of the problem, governor, it was done so quickly, and pushed out so quickly, with tests, that the natural unfolding that should happen never occurred. when we do change in our district, we introduce it as -- at a grade level and then bring it through. when we accelerated kids in mathematics we started with sixth graders, then seventh and eighth. with common core state standards in new york state, everything was pushed out all at once. >> julie, your daughter was making as in math. new standards were old and --
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were developed and she came home with a d. what happened that was so dramatically different. >> my school district implemented cpm, and they saw common core and reviewed several different curriculums and voted on that as being the best one to meet common core requirements. cpm requires a group learning atmosphere, direct ininstruction is not encouraged at all. it's discouraged in favor of group learning, and actually like the students to kind of struggle for a couple weeks until they get to the point where they either figure it out themselves or do eventually gel it. like old style, i love math. i have a background in engineering. old style schools you have math and have the textbooks and examples of formulas and equations how to solve the equations and several pages of math problems to work through. the cpm curriculum, you don't see the examples. it is not pages of math
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problems. it's all story problems. and the way it's introduced instructional-wise i thought to the class, the teacher goes over a couple of vocabulary words and so it's more of a wordy math rather than formula math. and into she'll go over the definitions of vocabulary words the students copy this down with a picture on the bottom, maybe two similar triangles to look at scale, and then they're sent to do their work. >> so then a curriculum problem as much as anything, and the way it was adopted. we have a shot of one of the payments from your daughter -- pages from your daughter's book. some of it is -- well, it's very difficult to understand. i think -- i don't want to put words in your mouth but sounds like we all agree there should be standards and they should be high. but they should be developed carefully, and then the curriculum has largely been the problem in how to get to those standards, although, my argument has long been that common core didn't tell you how to get
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there, just said you ought to be able to hit the high standard. sounds like there's issues with the standards, making sure they have been developed and road-tested. one thing i would agree, ought to be tested in a few states, see how they work, then added to the other states, and i think that would be something, carol, you would support. >> yeah, and also i think we have to pull back a little bit on the testing, too because that was a real problem in new york. teachers were very uncomfortable with it. there was right before the tests were begin, they predicted -- they accurately predicted the passing rate of 30%. before the child even opened up the test booklet. you feel a little bit set up. later on we found out what they did -- essentially they make a decision as to where proficiency is going to be. they tied tight a 1630 on the s.a.t. nationally only 30% of all test takers get a 1630 on the s.a.t. so the stress of the testing, you start to wonder, what is the point?
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is the point to really help our kids? or to just make all of us look bad. >> we don't want to look bad. at the same time we don't want to lower the goal so everybody can hilt the slam-dunk shot. so let me just ask each of you to give me a summary. if you were king of the day and say, this is the one thing we're going to do to change education in america to make it for the students and for the best, what would it be? >> absolutely it would be let teachers come up with the ideas to fix education. right now we have a top-down approach often, where legislators and people who don't necessarily have classroom experience, or familiar with education, they're telling people what to do, and it's restrictive and often misguided. so i would say, you can redo a common core type system but let teachers write it. >> no problem with that. that's a great idea. julie, what be the one thing you think needs to happen? >> i think my school is focusing on groupplearning, except for
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taking tests, and i think if they need the group learning they can do that one day a week and go back to instructional learning. children need to have examples and build up confidence before they're given tests, rather than having them struggle and struggle for a week or two weeks. their confidence goes down, and so my a student didn't think she would be good in math anymore. >> carol? >> you got a slow it down. pull back on the testing, let it roll out in a natural way, and then take a look at the standards and see what makes sense and what doesn't and discard it. >> very good. listen, all of you have been great. i appreciate it very much. it's important to realize i'd indication is not a perfect science. it's an art. so, we're always going to be tinkering with it. one thing i would like to believe that every american agrees we ought to raise the standards, challenge our students to be the best in the world, because that's who they're competing with. then we have to make sure we measure. i agree we can overtest, and sometimes that's done.
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that's not good. but you got to keep score. i can't imagine the bcs bowl being played with the score board off and saying, we just want to have a good time and enjoy the game. keeping score is part over it. then accountability. if the results aren't there, kids are not learning, somebody has to pay with a job. that's the way it is. so all of those are important factors. great to have you here. later in the show, we'll have the 12 days of obamacare. you don't want to miss that. but first, lots of people want to change the world. very few succeed. but nelson mandela did, and so did dr. martin luther king, jr. so what made these men true leaders? reverend king's niece will join me next to tell us.
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>> my next guess says that nell nelson mandela was a gift to the world. a dignitary, warrior, a man of character and integrity. she could say those same words to describe her uncle, the reverend martin luther king, jr. nelson mandela and reverend martin luther king, jr., two men who truly did change the world. joining me is dr. alveda king, dr. king's niece. thank you for joining me. >> hello, and merry christmas everyone. >> thank you. and merry christmas to you. you actually met nelson mandela in 1990, not long after he was released from the 27-year time in prison. what was your initial impression as you met this man we now see as one of the great leaders of the world? >> as one who has been involved
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in the struggle for freedom all of my life, actually, coming out of my own family, to meet president mandela, it was a humbling experience. i was very aware of this early years when he was warrior, and he thought that fighting was the way to do it, physical fighting, human combat, and yet he was humbled in prison over all of those years, and you can see that humility, and that was a certain grace, and most of the time when you see his picture, that same smile, that gentle smile was there. so for me it was a humbling experience. i had the opportunity to go to south africa myself a few years later and see the aftermath of apartheid and all of that, and to further understand the struggle. so, i put that in the same category of meeting others such as mohammad ali and others growing up in the family of
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martin luther king, so i was part of that experience for me. >> what were some of the characteristics you saw that were common to your uncle, dr. martin luther king, as well as nelson mandela? >> i would say that my uncle was always a peaceful warrior. he fought for peace, justice. he wanted to end oppression. but he held on to that his whole life. of course, nelson mandela only acquired some of those qualities later in life. however, i believe they both went through the fire. i believe that they were forged to be leaders and to resist oppression, and martin luther king, jr. fought for that here in america, and nelson mandela fought so hard in south africa, but those two movements did finally meet, and i think that was their commonality. >> i think both of these men were nobel peace prize winners. both remarkable in that they overcame extraordinary odds of racism, and in for nelson
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mandela, national apartheid. when he came out of prison he came out different. filled with humility and grace and a gentleness he took with him when he was elected to office and worked with the very people who villainized him for a all of his life. how does a person come to the place where they can put aside the bitterness, hurt, all the offenses they received to do that? >> as you asked that question, governor, i think about my own father, reverend a.d. king, who when uncle martin luther king was killed, i wanted to strike out out something, hate something. he said you can't hate white people. it's the devil. we have to fight the grandfather. my grandson, martin luther king, sr., said i'm not going to stoop so low as to let other many cause me to hate other men. i'm going to love. so i was brought up to know that love actually conquers hate, and
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i believe that nelson mandela acquired that understanding and that is why even though you can see maybe the wrinkles on his face, and of course 95 years is a long time to live. that's a lot of strength. and so i believe that he was tempered in the fire, and that with the strength and with the fire and the fight that was in him, heit was tempered by humility, and i believe a level and a measure of understanding and love, and that is why he began to be a voice for peace. >> he certainly was. thanks so much for being here, dr. king. appreciate your perspective, having met nelson mandela. all of us are aware that over the next few days we'll hear a lot about nell son mandela. i hope that all of american politicians will be listening and they'll be learning, learning from his example. there's a lot to be learned. according to a new harvard poll, 57% of millenials do not
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approve of obamacare, and less than a third of americans between the ages of 18 and 29 say they're even going to enroll in it. we're going to ask a college student why young people, who are key factor to the president's electoral success, why are they turning their backs on the president and obamacare? that's next. know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me bathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inlers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives,
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pop in the drum of any machine... ♪ wash any size load. it dissolves in any temperature, even cold. tideod pop in. stand out. an american war veteran detained in north korea for more than a month is getting to sleep in his own bet on u.s. soil. merrill newman reunited with his family today at san francisco international airport. they were reportedly back home at nearby palo alto. 85 years old, korean war vet, detained during an october tour he was on in north korea. they released him after state media put out this video of newman allegedly apologizing for hostile acts as they put it. >> a fatal mix of weather.
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in texas, a driver died when he lost control of his pickup truck and went off a bridge. more than a thousand flights have been grounded with more expected across the weekend. in four seconds, back to huckabee. [applause] >> under obamacare, businesses and organizes are required to provide employees with coverage that includes precontraceptives and that's a problem for some religious institutions, like notre dame, a catholic university. so earlier this week the school refiled a lawsuit against the obama administration over enforcing the mandate. now a majority of students on campus support the move on the part of notre dame. joining me now, notre dame junior shia ellis, a columnist for the school's newspaper.
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how are your fellow students at notre dame reacting to the lawsuit? i'm sure there's some buzz on the campus about it. >> the students at notre dame do support the university's effort to file this lawsuit. i mean, when students choose to go notre dame they choose a catholic education, and when the university feels as if its catholic education is being threatened by the federal government, students are really supporting it. >> so it's not so much just about contraceptives put also about the religious liberty, whether notre dame can operate with its faith without the federal government saying you can't believe that much. >> exactly. i think everyone would agree that you give the government an inch, they'll take a mile. you give them an opportunity to intrude on religion, and what is to stoop them -- stop them from saying you have to cover
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abortion. that's why notre dame filed the lawsuit. >> are there students at notre dame that disagree with the lawsuit and think they ought to provide contraception? >> of course. of course. i've engaged other students and they're -- what they're saying is this is a matter of a woman's access to contraceptive coverage. one person engaged me and said contraception costs a lot of money. $200, and workers at notre dame don't make a lot of money so the university should cover it. but what we have to remember is that this isn't about a woman's access to contraception. this is about religious liberty, and notre dame maintaining its integrity. and not being compromised by the federal government. >> i think it's important to realize, when people say they're restricting access. they're not restricting access. they're determining who pays for it. >> exactly. >> i can go to a movie theater -- i have access to go, but i got to buy my own ticket.
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it's like if i want to see this movie in that theater, i got buy the ticket. there's a lot of confusion because people make it as if a woman who goes to notre dame can't buy it anywhere under any circumstances. that's not the case. it's just notre dame says, we take money from donors, from people who support us as a catholic institution, and we're not going to pay, whether it's contraception, not going to pay to see an x-rated movie. i understand that. that is the issue, at least for some of us. do students see it that way? that you talk to? or they still want to make it about the birth control? >> like i said before, students support this -- the university's efforts but a they realize that notre dame is the premiere catholic institution, and if they lose that catholic identity by succumbing to the will of the government by providing contraception or providing sterilization, then notre dame's integrity as a catholic
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institution is compromised. >> a harvard poll came out this week by a huge margin, 57% to 38%, millenials, people of your generation, 18 to 29, disapprove obamacare. does that surprise you? >> no, it doesn't surprise me. i know it surprises a lot of people. millenials on a two to one margin supported president obama in 2008, 2012. i think mill helpals like the rest of americans are waking up to the fact that the affordable care act is anything but affordable. [applause] >> when the government gets -- i think millenials are realizing, 57% or realizing that premiums have gone up. deductibles have gone up and the government gets involved in any sector, education, you get millenials with a trillion dollars in student debt, whether it's housing, the housing bubble, and now with healthcare, where premiums skyrocketed, and deductibles also skyrocketed, and the quality of healthcare is going to decrease, but prices
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are going to escalate out of control. >> i can understand why 38% -- can't understand why 38% think it's a great idea. it's built on guys like you paying more than you've should pay according to the market so you can bay for old geesers like me. and i want to say, thank you very much for paying for my health care but i don't think it's what you want to do. >> exactly. and i would say that millenials were sold on a bill of goods, that prices aren't going to go up. if anyone mentioned that deductibles and premiums would increase, they were called a liar. the backbone of obamacare is that millenials have o get into the market and have to purchase health insurance so obamacare will fall flat on its face if millenials aren't engaging and realize they can't afford it. most of them are living with their parents. >> i'm convinced this -- you are not going to fall on your face. your an incredibly bright,
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articulate student, and great things are out there for your future. thank you for being here. >> thank you, governor. >> fantastic to have you. >> coming up, it's like leaving the door to chicken coop wide occupy while the foxes are outside. the lack of firewalls to keep hackers out of the obamacare web site is our topic next. and ah, so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with t ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. no dude, you're on the jumbotron! whoa. ah...yeah, pretty much walked into that one. geico anywhere anytime. just a tap away on the geico app. it really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise.
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one of the dozens of problems of the obamacare web site is the lack of cybersecurity built into the site. joining me now with tips how to protect yourself from being hacked while signing up for obamacare is white house chief information officer theresa peyton. nice to have you. >> thank you for having me. >> so, let me ask you, are consumers needing to be worried about logging on to the web site and perhaps giving out information that could be hacked. >> they do need to be worried. we have already been told by one white-hat hacker who looked at the site and found something that is considered the golden rule, which is you do security first, before you do that first web page, security first, and one of the things hi found that is very basic, we're all on the good, superbusy, we do typos all the time. the found if you type health care semi colon gov instead of
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health, you went to a hacker's web site. so when things like that are missing that tells me there's other more complex things missing at well. >> what should peel do, avoid the site? the president is saying, sign up, sign up. get in there quickly. but i think you're saying, if you do, be careful. what irsafe girds people -- safeguards people can do. >> if this were a business our customers would have left us by now, wouldn't they? >> yes. >> one of the things that i would recommend -- it's something people can do on the commercial break actually or after the show. we don't want them to miss the show. the first thing i recommend you do and it's free and easy, get a new e-mail address you never used on your bank accounts, social media accounts. the reason being if your data is compromised, common tactic of cybercriminals is to take the e-mail address and go to popular
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banking sites and try to get into the rest of your life. if you see spam on the e-mail address you're only using with you have been compromised. the second piece is people are being tricked every day by fraudsters who are creating fake ads, creating e-mails with links. don't start there always start at the trusted source. if you don't know if supposed to be at your state exchange or federal exchange, go to and navigate from there. you can do those right now during the commercial break or after the show, and they'll protect you. >> when i think about the people going on this site, a lot of them may not be that web savvy. you're talking about people who didn't have insurance before, now they have to get it. if their identity is storm, what recourse do they have in can the charge the federal government? >> it's funny you ask that question because, they tell you to actually call them, which is -- isn't that where it started, the identity theft.
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so you need to call them and itly them know, but they're called navigators, knopp investigators. so they're not going to be able to do an investigation for you. you have too take that accountability yourself. the next step is go to the federal trade commission,, and go to the fbi's web site, called, the enter it in crime center. file a report there as well as local law enforcement to have a record. the next step, don't pause, the next step you must call your bank accounts and credit card accounts and get those accountses flagged so they can't take over your financial life. >> the sad thing, you described a lot of trouble, a lot of time, a lot of money, that a consumer is going to spend because he or she in good faith trusted the government. that is what is sad here. so if a person goes through that process and just trying to follow the law, get health insurance, they could end up losing their identity, a lot of money, a lot of time. this isn't going well, is it?
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>> no. and you know, this is actually just the beginning of the story. because we already know they're not ready to accept your payments online yet. you have to mail check in. so that is being brought online. i sort of chair this to, if you went to a car dealership today, 2013, and they handed you a bag of balloons and duct tape and they said that's you're air bag you're going to installovers yourself, because that's where we're at. we skipped the golden rule, do not a build one page until you know how to protect data. >> i hope people will pay attention. teresa is the author of the book, "protecting your online identity. are you naked online? " i hope not. i don't want to go there. so get a copy of her book. it well be helpful to you not just for obamacare but any activities online. great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> christmas is just around the corner and, while millions are
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americans believe in accept, me, too and the spirit of the season, of course we do. but many people around america have just stopped believing in the president. coming up, a christmas carol that pretty much sums up why. you don't want to miss what is next. stay with us. . . . ♪ [ camera shutter clicks ] now, that's cardworthy. [ n ] all right. here we go. ♪ cardworthy. [ female announcer ] this holiday season, visit for all your cardworthy moments.
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well, there's just a couple of weeks left till christmas. by the way, my best selling book "dear chandler, dear charlotte" now out in paperback, a great companion to my book "a simple christmas." the president is busy selling a health care plan that not a lot of americans are buying.
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and those who do, better keep the receipt. once you try it, i bet you're going to want to return it. so to help us celebrate the most wonderful time of the year, we're joined by the jolly holiday carolling company for a little spin on the holiday classic. this is the 12 days of obama care. ♪ on the first day of christmas obama care gave to me a doctor i can't keep on the second day of christmas obama care gave to me two fumbled rollouts and a doctor i can't keep ♪ ♪ on the third day of christmas obama care gave to me three rate hikes, two fumbled ro rollouts and a doctor i can't keep ♪ ♪ on the fourth day of christmas obama care gave to me four month
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delay, three rate hikes, two fumbled rollouts and a doctor i can't keep ♪ ♪ on the fifth day of christmas obama care gave to me five hairy leaves, a four month delay three rate hikes and a doctor i can't keep ♪ ♪ on the sixth day of christmas obama care gave to me six glitches, five hairy wreathes a four month delay three rate hikes two fumbled rollouts and a doctor i can't keep ♪ ♪ on the eighth day of christmas obama care gave to me eight seven hackers hacking six websites glitching five hairy wreathes a four month delay, three rate
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hikes, two fumbled rollouts and a doctor i can't keep ♪ ♪ on the ninth day of christmas obama care gave to me nine months of golfing, seven hackers hacking, six websites glitching, five hairy wreathes, a four month delay, three rate hikes, two fumbled rollouts and a doctor i can't keep ♪ ♪ on the tenth day of christmas obama care gave to me ten promises broken seven hackers hacking five hairy wreathes and a doctor i can't keep ♪ ♪ on the 11th day of christmas obama care gave to me 11 congressional hearing ten promises broken eight million six websites glitching
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five harry reids two fumbled rollouts and a doctor i can't keep ♪ ♪ on the 12 day of christmas obama care gave to me 12% approval rate iing 11 congressional hearing ten promises broken seven hackers hacking six websites glitching five harry reids a four month delay three rate hikes two fumbled rollouts and a gop sweep into 2014 ♪ >> thanks to our carollers. this is the nonsense, political satire musical review. they are wonderful. we're so glad they have joined us tonight and we are glad that
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you have joined us tonight. that's it for us. until next week from new york, this is mike huckabee. good night and god bless. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn.
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okay. so that website thing didn't go off so well, but no worries. it will be up and running by the end of november. >> it will take until the end of november for an optimally functioning website. >> by the end of november, the site will function effectively for the vast majority of the american people. >> based on our analysis, we will have it fully functioning by the end of november. >> and by the end of this month, we anticipate it will be working the way it is supposed to. all right? >> and now it's december. hello and welcome to


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